I am me and you are you
Sometimes I am driving in my car and I get this overawed feeling that I am me and I am here and I am doing what I am doing. I know it sounds corny but the weird part about it is that you are all you at the same time. Everybody else is who they are too. We are all the same yet so different. We all experience life the same way in a general manner. Love, Hate, Work, Recreation etc.
This trips me out because I am not a religious person I am convinced that god is a figment of our human emotion and need to not be alone in the universe and have the security of thinking and or knowing that if we screw it up our parents will show up and make it all better. I don't beleive this to be true. Because I beleive this way I sometimes wonder where the world is going and how it is going to get there. There are billions of people in the world but at the end of the day we all worry about the same basic needs. I often wonder why is the guy next to me driving north right now. What motivates him to get up in the morning and take a shower and get in his car.
Sometimes I wonder what motivates me too.
Interestingly we are all alone in our own bodies and minds. We are also all externally connected and dependant on each other for survival.
I wish we had an option to not be human and have to deal with all the bullshit. But we don't.
I guess we just accept what is and enjoy the ride.
I lost of muse for today
Fuck off
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