Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Another day another post

I think I need to change my template this one is getting kind of boring.

Sorry this one is kind of bitchy! I'm just venting.

So I used to have these garage shelves that the previous owner put in. Well I would not really call them shelves it was more like a jigsaw puzzle of wood put up by the winner of the Bob Vila Special Olympics building contest. I finally tore them down and put in some nice gorilla racks and some metal rolling racks around all the edges. So for the first time my garage is organized and you can fit two cars in it.

My Wife's Mom and Sister came into town for a wedding this week so that was my motivation for cleaning the garage. We also had alot of cleaning to do around the house because honestly i can't afford a cleaning service to stay on top of it. So I ended up cleaning the playroom which was a total sty, the boys room which was not so bad. Then I vacuumed the entire house and swept and mopped. Of course I finally fixed the clogged toilet downstairs. I also cleaned my car because that was the vehicle we had to take to pick up the in-laws in.

So all in all I spent like 10 hours of the last two days working my ass off around the house in addition to going to work and installing an additional Netapp Filer shelf for a side job and passing an IBM Enterprise storage Exam. All this so that her family would have a semi-clean environment for the 1.5 days they will be spending at my house.

When I was growing up my Mom had boxes of stuff you would not beleive stored in the garage (Never once did we actually park in there. God forbid we actually used it for its intended purpose) All of them just sitting in the garage. None of them serving any purpose. We're talking boxes of newspapers left over from the late 60's. But that is not the half of it. She likes to think of herself as a food storage person. She always has shelves of bottled fruits and vegetables. One time we were helping her move and we noticed that the dates on some bottles of carrots. (Who bottles carrots. Seriously) These bottles were dates well before I was born. They were dated 6/72 or 12/68. She also has about 30 5 gallon drums of wheat from the late 70's as well.

Now this is all very interesting and stuff but the coolest thing of all is that I have never eaten bottled carrots or ground wheat into flour in my entire life. Neither I nor any of my 5 brothers can remember her actually preparing or eating any of the "food supplies" either.

Of course her stance on the issue is that when Jesus comes back a bushel of wheat will be worth a bushel of gold. Ok Mom, Whatever.

I have a strict policy. If I come across something that I have not used for 6-12 months it's gone. I would urge you all to do the same.

And as always

Fuck off.

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