Been a While
I am still getting into the swing of things here in the bloggerland. I wish I had something witty to say or even something remotely interesting. I am drawing a blank. But hey 24 season finale tonight. I love this show. First of all Keifer Sutherland is one of my favorite actors (even if he is the son of Donald we won't hold that against him). Ever since Young Guns and Flatliners I can't get enough of him.
So I bought a house about four years ago. I dutifully put in a lawn and some nice curbing around the house. But did I put any plants or shrubs or flowers in. No I did not. I did however pull the weeds about once a year. So here I am with a really nice lawn accentuated by a beautiful array of weeds. Anyway I finally pulled the weeds for the last time and put down some bark. Hallelujah now I am only like the 9th biggest loser in my neighborhood. So the greatest part about this that when I open my front door in the morning the bark makes it smell like a forest. MMM. MMM.
so more about my yard. Never buy a house on a corner across from a field. I tell you why. Because if the utility companies make it I have it my yard. Here is the list
Stop Sign (please stop)
Street Sign. (so you know where you are)
Fire Hydrant (so small four legged creatures have a place to piss)
Big huge city lighpost. (so I can't sleep at night with the light)
Phone box (I don't even have a land line for gods sake)
A ginormous Electric box (Ok I do have electricity)
And lets not forget the cable box either. (Nope satellite)
And if that is not enough my homeowner "ass" requires me to have a smaller light post next to my driveway. So you can imagine mowing is a total pain in the "ass" not to mention the edging. I have more concrete edges than I care to talk about.
BTW if it is a pain in the "ass" you are probably doing it wrong.
Enough Drivel
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