Monday, February 12, 2007

Liars and Emptiness

I really don't know why I am writing again here. I don't understand how people can just flat out lie to you. It is really the most interesting thing. When someone fully lies to you, right to your face and the whole time you know they are totally full of shit. It is not worth it to call them on it and damage the relationship.

Maybe I am just smug and have thoughts about how I am more clever than them because I already know they are being dishonest. At the end of the day it still hurts. The thing that really sucks is that it hurts the liar more than the liee.

I feel empty today and have for several weeks. I don't know what to do, or how to feel, or what's important anymore. I hate being lost. I wish I lived in the future when colonization of other planets is a possibility. I would be the first to go and start a new life with new people and try and build something really great, I miss the teamwork and feeling of two people striving for the same goal and making good progress. I really do miss it and don't know how to get it back.

I know no one is reading this but it does not matter anymore. James "Pappa" Het said it best "Nothing Else Matters". Of course nothing is subjective and changes with perspective. I would like to take a poll and have 100 people define nothing.

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